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This tool can build the data necessary to flash new games to a Nintendo Power Game Boy cart, as well as the insideGadgets Power Cart. The menu can have up to seven roms, or a total of 896KB of game data. You can also flash a single 1MB ROM, like LSDJ, using the generated MAP file. For flashing, I recommend the GBxCart.

Not sure what to flash? Check out this list of favorite/well-known games that fit into the menu!

1. Add Game ROMs

Title Mapper ROM RAM Blocks Menu Title Preview
{{ rom.title }} {{ rom.type }} {{ rom.romSizeKB() + 'k'}} {{ rom.paddedRamSizeKB() + 'k' }} {{ rom.paddedRomSizeKB() / 128 + ' (' + rom.paddedRomSizeKB() + 'k)'}}
{{ processor.romTotalKB() + 'k' }} {{ processor.ramUsedKB() + 'k' }} {{ processor.romUsedKB() / 128 + ' (' + processor.romUsedKB() + 'k)'}} {{overflowClassMsg.msg}}
Drag and drop one or more ROMs to get started!
- or -

2. Tweak Settings

Menu Font:
Ticker Text:
ROM Hacks:

3. Download Files

Download ROM File ({{filename}}.gb)
Download MAP File ({{filename}}.map)

Note: If you are using FlashGBX, you do not need the MAP file

If you want to flash {{singleRomFilename}} without the menu, you can use this MAP file to configure the cart to work with your ROM.
Download Single Game MAP File ({{singleRomFilename}}.map)